Friday, September 28, 2012

Chicago-Themed Photography

                               Chicago-themed Work for Home or Office

   There is nothing like beautiful artwork and photography to decorate walls, be in a home or the office!           
The city of Chicago is a beautiful place to stay and if you do not believe this, then check out some photography! We walked practically everyone, basically parked the car and about 90% walking. Alas, the driving can be a lot to be desired, so the walk is so worthwhile. Overall, I found people of Chicago to be very friendly. As a matter of fact, I even had my moments, when I thought I was back living down in the southern city of Charlotte, NC! We stayed at the Maude House, on Maude Avenue. It is sorta of a different twist on a bed & breakfast, but very, very nice. Clean. No one makes your meals for you, but you are in a safe, residential area. Everytime you go out, people will wave and if you need directions, just ask them. As with anywhere, there are jerks, but I have learned to never stereotype people at all over the years. Other than when they are driving, of course, lol. That occurs in any large city though. 

  The downtown area was very close by and in the very heart of the city, where the Sear's Tower is, there are plenty of museums around too. I regret there was not enough time to go to museums though as I was in Chicago for a training, but I always found time for walking and for us, the entire highlight was the WATER! Lake Michigan! Beautiful as I hadn't seen any seas in a long time, and of course, the Great Lakes are just like looking at the ocean. I couldnt get over the water being so pretty, clear and blue either. Just gorgeous! There is a walkway bridge that directly takes you over to the lake or the beach. Browse my photography on, and also for gift ideas, go to   Feel free to browse my photography above and contact me if you have any questions. Sometimes I can even give you a very good deal over fineartofamerica.